Oracle PLSQL terms a CURSOR as a memory area, which contains the records or results fetched by an SQL SELECT Statement.
Oracle PLSQL syntaxes to declare or Create CURSOR are:
1. Creating PLSQL Cursor Without Parameters:
CURSOR cursor_name
2. Creating Cursor With Parameter:
CURSOR cursor_name(parameter_list)
3. Creating Cursor in Oracle PLSQL With Return Type:
CURSOR cursor_name
Let’s understand each type of cursor with example and usage.
Exmaple 1. Creating Oracle PLSQL Cursor without parameter.
CURSOR cur_salary IS SELECT salary FROM employee;
The above PLSQL CURSOR will SELECT all the records / rows of the ‘salary’ column from the ‘employee’ table.
Using cursor without parameter in an Oracle PLSQL Function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetSalary IS cur_sal NUMBER; CURSOR cur_salary IS SELECT salary FROM employee; BEGIN OPEN cur_salary; FETCH cur_salary IN cur_sal; IF cur_salary%NOTFOUND THEN cur_sal := 100000; END IF; CLOSE cur_salary; END;
Example 2. Creating Oracle PLSQL Cursor With Parameters
CURSOR cur_salary(emp_id IN NUMBER) IS SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
The above PLSQL CURSOR will SELECT the record / row of the ‘salary’ column from the ‘employee’ table based on the passed parameter ‘employee_id’.
Using PLSQL Cursor with parameter in an Oracle PLSQL Function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetSalary IS cur_sal NUMBER; CURSOR cur_salary(emp_id IN NUMBER) IS SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE employee_id = emp_id; BEGIN OPEN cur_salary; FETCH cur_salary IN cur_sal; IF cur_salary%NOTFOUND THEN cur_sal := 100000; END IF; CLOSE cur_salary; END;
The above PLSQL CURSOR will SELECT the record / row of the ‘salary’ column from the ‘employee’ table based on the passed parameter ‘employee_id’.
Example 3. Creating Oracle PLSQL Cursor with Return Type:
CURSOR cur_language RETURN lang_table%ROWTYPE IS SELECT * FROM lang_table WHERE language = 'English';