HTML Cite tag <cite> is used to classify a label or title for some work like book, painting, song etc.
In HTML 4.01 the Cite tag is used for citation whereas in HTML 5 Cite tag is used for labeling or providing title for some work as mentioned above.
Cite HTML tag <cite> is a closed tag needs closing Cite html tag </cite>
Note: Someone’s name can’t be used in HTML Cite tag as the name of a person is not title or label of work.
HTML Cite Tag Syntax
<cite> Some title here </cite>
HTML Cite Tag Example
HTML Cite Tag Code | Output |
<cite> The Da Vinci Code</cite> is a great book by Dan Brown. |
The Da Vinci Code is a great book by Dan Brown. |
In the HTML Cite tag example above we can see that the name of the book “The Da Vinci Code” is rendered in a different format than the neighboring it as its wrapped in HTML Cite tag.
HTML Cite tag supports all HTML Global Attributes and HTML Event Attributes
HTML Cite Tag Supporting Browsers
S. No. | Browser | Supported(Yes/No) |
1 | Internet Explorer | Yes |
2 | Firefox | Yes |
3 | Google Chrome | Yes |
4 | Opera | Yes |
5 | Safari | Yes |