The stackLayout region is a layout element that lays out each of its children vertically.
Corresponding web bean: OAStackLayoutBean
Sub Tab Layout In OAF
The subTabLayout region has a child called “subTabs” that takes a subTabBar bean.
subTabBar bean contains link elements as its indexed children. subTabBar is rendered once on top.
The number of indexed children of subTabBar, which are the link elements, should be equal to the number of indexed children of the parent subTabLayout.
The link elements are used to switch between the indexed children of the subTabLayout.
Corresponding web bean: OASubTabLayoutBean
Switcher Region In OAF
The switcher region is used in typical business requirements e.g. supopose we want to show an LOV when one of the value of the defined attribute of the VO is selected and an OAMessageTextInputBean when another value is selected in the VO i.e. it has a property, “childName”, which is used to render the named child under this name.
The item to be displayed on the OA Framework page is decided at runtime. A view name and a view attribute have to be specifed to a switcher.
Corresponding web bean: OASwitcherBean
Table Region In OA Framework
As the name suggests a table region is used to display tabular data and also supports selection (both single and multiple), sorting, record navigation, detail-disclosure and totaling but totaling can be enabled for any column except for the first column in a table.
Corresponding web bean: OATableBean
Table Layout Region In OAF
The tableLayout region is also of table type only and acts as a thin wrapper around the HTML’s table element. It contains a series of rowLayout elements for embedding other regions and items.
Corresponding web bean: OATableLayoutBean