A listOfValues region is rendered in a separate modal dialog containing a complex list of possible values that can be selected as a valid value for an entry field on a transaction page or a field within a table. Refer to the messageLovInput section for information on the properties of messageLovInput.
A listOfValues region is rendered as a popup of separate OAF page region containing a list of possible values, any of which can be selected as a valid value for an entry field on a transaction page or a field within a table.
Corresponding web bean: OAListOfValuesBean
Navigation Bar In OA Framework
In oracle application framework OAF NavigationBar is used to navigate to the next or previous set of records.
You might have mostly saw NavigationBar attached with the table or advance table.
Suppose you have run a BC4J VO query that retrieved more than 10 records to be displayed in a table.
Then a NavigationBar will appear at the top and bottom of the table. By using the NavigationBar link you can display the next 10 records, which are retrieved from the query.
NavigationBar can also be seen in the Hgrid region, in case we expand a node and the child retrieved are more than the record limit, that time we have to use NavigationBar link.
Note: No need to declare NavigationBar functionality explicitely.
Corresponding web bean: OANavigationBarBean
Page Button Bar In OAF
In oracle application framework, OAF pageButtonBar is used when a set of buttons/action links needs to be created at the page layout level.
PageButtonBar is the child of pageLayout region.
Buttons/action links will be displayed both at the top of the page just below the page title and below the page footer line.
Corresponding web bean: OAPageButtonBarBean
Page Layout Region In OA Framework
The pageLayout region is the highest-level layout element. It acts as a template for the entire page. It, by default, has to be the top most region of the page. It supports several other regions and navigation areas so as to maintain the Oracle Application Framework Standards.
Corresponding web bean: OAPageLayoutBean