OPEN CURSOR in Oracle PLSQL is used to open a cursor before starting to access the records or results fetched. Oracle OPEN Cursor statement allows us to use the records fetched by the cursor in a PLSQL Function, package or procedure.
Oracle PLSQL Syntax of OPEN CURSOR is:
OPEN cursor_name;
Let’s understand, how to use OPEN Cursor with the help of the below Oracle PLSQL function code:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetSalary IS cur_sal NUMBER; CURSOR cur_salary IS SELECT salary FROM employee; BEGIN OPEN cur_salary; FETCH cur_salary IN cur_sal; IF cur_salary%NOTFOUND THEN cur_sal := 100000; END IF; CLOSE cur_salary; END;
The code OPEN cur_salary is used to open a cursor in plsql.
We must also make sure that once we open a cursor we have to close the cursor using CLOSE CURSOR statement.