HTML Acronym Tag (<acronym>) is used to indicate the acronym e.g. “ASAP”, or “NASA”.
In other words we can say that whenever we want to give acronym in HTML we use the HTML Acronym Tag.
My marking the acronym using the HTML Acronym Tag we give useful information to internet browsers, translation systems, spell checking software, search engine spiders or bots and indexing utilities.
Note: HTML Acronym Tag is not supported in HTML 5 (Use HTML 5 abbr Tag) but supported in HTML 4.0.1
Syntax for HTML Acronym Tag
<acronym title=”Some Text”> acronym</acronym>
Example of HTML Acronym Tag
HTML acronym Tag code | Output |
I want this to be done <acronym title="As Soon As Possible">ASAP</acronym>. Thanks. |
I want this to be done ASAP. Thanks. |
Here in the above HTML acronym tag example above we can see that the phrase “As Soon As Possible” becomes acronymas “ASAP” in output section of the code.
Once we move our mouse pointer over the “ASAP” acronym we will be able to see the text in the title (in our case “As Soon As Possible”) as a tip in the browser.
HTML Acronym Tag supports the following HTML Global Attributes
Global Attribute | Value | Description |
class | classname | Refers to a classname in the style sheet |
Dir | rtlltr | Indicates the direction of text of the content in the element |
id | id | Gives a unique id to the element |
lang | language_code | Indicates the language for the content in the element |
style | style_definition | Indicates the inline CSS Style for element |
title | text | Indicates the extra information about the element |
HTML Acronym Tag supports the following HTML Event Attributes
Event Attribute | Description |
onclick | Defines the script to be run once mouse is clicked on the element |
ondbclick | Defines the script to be run once mouse is double clicked on the element |
onmousedown | Defines the script to be run once the mouse button is pressed down on an element |
onmousemove | Defines the script to be run once the mouse pointer is moving |
onmouseout | Defines the script to be run once the mouse pointer moves out form an element |
onmouseover | Defines the script to be run once the mouse pointer is moving over the element |
onmouseup | Defines the script to be run once the mouse button is released up on an element |
onkeydown | Defines the script to be run once a key is being pressed |
onkeypress | Defines the script to be run once a key is pressed |
onkeyup | Defines the script to be run once a pressed key is released |
HTML Acronym Tag Supporting Browsers
S. No. | Browser | Supported(Yes/No) |
1 | Internet Explorer | Yes (above IE 5.5) |
2 | Firefox | Yes |
3 | Google Chrome | Yes |
4 | Opera | Yes |
5 | Safari | Yes |