The train region is used to signify the in progress page of a multi-page process. The highlighted “step” indicates the currently active page. The train has one property, “selectedIndex”, which is the index of the selected “step”.
Corresponding web bean: OATrainBean
Tree Region In OA Framework
As the name suggests that a tree region is used to display objects in a hierarchical format. It segregates data into child/leaf nodes and parent nodes which can be either expanded or collapsed. The purpose of tree is to allow users to promptly browse through composite sets of hierarchical objects and access detailed information for a record by highlighting it in the tree. The visual representation of the hierarchy using the tree also depicts the relationship between objects with respect to one another.
Corresponding web bean: OATreeBean
How to embed custom HTML code in OAF Page
It’s always that all the text on an OA Framework page is in black color. Ever thought of having a text in other color e.g. a note just after a table in a smaller font and in red color?
Here we will have a look at how to embed a custom HTML code in OA framework page and have a different color to that HTML text so that the text looks different from the rest of the text on the OA Framework page.
In order to do this, we need to use the OARawTextBean as it’s the only OAF item bean which supports the use of HTML tags.
Before discussing further I assume that you have an OA framework page e.g. xxTrialPG and also a controller to that page like xxTrailController.
Also I assume that you have created an OARawTextBean under the pagelayout region and the id of the OARawTextBean is xxTrialRawTextBean.
Please note that all the lines that come in italics are the java code lines, this is done for easy segregating code from text in the post.
Again, let’s take this in steps for easy understanding and remembrance.
Step1: – Import the OARawTextBean in the controller so we will be able to create handles for it. Import the OARawTextBean bean as shown below.
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OARawTextBean;
Step2: – In the processrequest method create a handle for the OARawTextBean and create a String to write the HTML code in it.
OARawTextBean trialRawTextBean = (OARawTextBean)webBean.findChildRecursive(“xxTrialRawTextBean “);
Step 3: – Set the String variable as the text to the OARawTextBean as shown below and run the page.
Step 4: – You should be able to see the Text that you have written as shown below in your OAF Page.
Creating XML Publisher Report in OAF
I know that this post is out of the niche of the blog but then the requirements of most of the implementations require new reports to be generated using XML Publisher and that’s the only reason why I have written this post. Also, using the hyperlink at the end of the post you can download my free PDF book on XML Publisher.
Oracle XML Publisher has gained a lot of popularity among developers and also among the businesses as its very easy to create a report using XML Publisher and even more easy to generate reports in various formats like PDF, EXCEL, RTF etc.
Oracle created XML Publisher is as a template based tool for publishing reports and much more along with Oracle E-business Suite. XML Publisher is powerful enough to populate the data fetched by a PL SQL package into a custom, yes custom, template and then generate the report in any of the desired form such as PDF, HTML, RTF, EXCEL (HTML) and even PLAIN TEXT for transmission using EFT and EDI.
How to Install JDeveloper and Test it?
Here we will take a quick look on how to install JDeveloper and also how to test the installation.
First of all just download the correct version or patch of jdeveloper from metalink.
I assume that you have saved and extracted the jdeveloper in D:meta-patch folder.
1. Go to desktop
2. Right click on my computer
3. Click on Properties
4. Select Environment Variables
5. Click New
6. Add a New Environment variable as:
a. Variable Name: JDEV_USER_HOME
b. Variable Value: D:meta-patchjdevhomejdev
7. Get the dbc file for the oracle apps instance to which you want to connect the jdeveloper. If you are not sure from where to get the DBC file then just ask the DBA to mail you.
8. Once you have the DBC file, paste that file in D:meta-patchJdevhomejdevdbc_files_secure folder.
9. Navigate to D:meta-patchJdevbinjdevbin and double click on the jdev.exe file. This will run JDeveloper on your desktop.
10. Once the Jdeveloper is run, on the left panel just right click on the database option and select New Connection.
11. In the Driver write “thin” without double quotes. For Host Name, JDBC Port and SID just open your DBC file in any text editor and there you will easily get these details. Just copy and paste those details in the corresponding places.
12. Click next and then click on the Test Connection Button, You will see a message as Success!
13. Right click on the workspace to create a new workspace and open Tutorial.jpr file.
14. Double click on the tutorial.jpr file and then enter the runtime connection details in the newly opened window.
15. Point to your DBC file (using Browse), enter a User Name and Password. Make sure that the user name that you are entering has access to the responsibility mentioned in the responsibility Key Field.
16. Right click on Tutorial.jpr select Make Tutorial.jpr
17. Again right click on Tutorial.jpr select rebuild Tutorial.jpr
18. Run Hello world page.
Hope you find this post useful.
Thank you for reading 🙂